In this tutorial our aim so introduce participants to digitisation, techniques used to digitise texts, digital preservation practices (that includes data and metadata management), and challenges and solutions when it comes to digitisation. The workshop will conclude with a practical session where participants will work in groups to create a small-scale digitisation and archiving project. This hands-on activity will reinforce the concepts learned throughout the workshop and provide a glimpse into real-world challenges and solutions.
The basic principles, challenges and possible solutions of and for digitising and (meta)data management will be introduced to the participants.
Target audience:
This workshop is designed to cater to librarians, archivists, researchers, educators, and anyone interested in the digitisation and preservation of textual materials.
This tutorial will include a first part with around two hours of interactive presentations, allowing participants to ask questions throughout. The second part will be a hands-on session where participants will digitise texts.
Required resources:
Participants should bring text samples (no more than three pages) to digitise.

Benito Trollip is appointed as a Digital Humanities researcher at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR). He recently completed his PhD and his topic focuses on what he calls morphological evaluative constructions in Afrikaans. Besides his background in Afrikaans linguistics, he is also passionate about open access, data management and data curation. His interests therefore lie in Afrikaans linguistics, aspects surrounding data creation and management, as well as Digital Humanities more broadly.

Rooweither Mabuya is a Digital Humanities researcher with a focus on isiZulu at the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR). Her research interests lie in the systematic creation of relevant digital text, speech, and multi-modal resources related to the development of isiZulu and to promote the use of Digital Humanities related methods and tools within the isiZulu research community. Areas of expertise are General Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, and Digital Humanities.